For sheet metal experts and laser specialists: magazines from TRUMPF
Trends, future technologies, new solutions and experiences from actual users. You can read all of this in the magazines TRUe and Laser Community. You can download the TRUMPF Magazine as a PDF or subscribe to the print edition free of charge.

- Kilrea: Hutchinson’s heroes
- Madrid: Precision work for an iconic club
- Ballarat: Blazing a trail in Ballarat
- Ditzingen: Next-level service

- Sustainability: With laser tech a more sustainable world
- Euro 7: Low-abrasion brake disks made easy
- Displays: Summer, sun, smartphone

- Słupsk: True to their roots
- Nové Zámky: Machines, software and a passion for business
- Guimarães: Cool company with a warm heart
- Ditzingen: How cameras learn to see

- Space travel: a single to space, please
- Beam formation: peak joy
- Research: the laser goes diving

- Kilrea: Hutchinson’s heroes
- Madrid: Precision work for an iconic club
- Ballarat: Blazing a trail in Ballarat
- Ditzingen: Next-level service

- Słupsk: True to their roots
- Nové Zámky: Machines, software and a passion for business
- Guimarães: Cool company with a warm heart
- Ditzingen: How cameras learn to see

- Caloocan: Tapping into new opportunities
- Las Vegas: Tube fabrication conquers social media
- Birżebbuġa: Mediterranean efficiency
- Ditzingen: Where innovations thrive

- Slovenska Bistrica: A huge heart for digitalization
- Utsunomiya: An iron-clad business concept
- Neubrandenburg: Hey robot, please bend....
- Ditzingen: One woman is turning the factory green

- Touguinha: The idea boosters
- Ukiha: Making mowing fun
- Hettingen: Fit machines for muscles of steel
- Ditzingen: DIY-ers wanted

A stadium roof like no other: how TRUMPF machines made the impossible possible -
Curiosity, creativity and quality: how a natural disaster set one company on a path to global success -
Rethinking the plan: how TRUMPF’s smart factory consultants turned a SCHRAG site into Europe’s most modern profile production plant -
Smart, smarter, AI: TRUMPF revolutionizes sheet-metal fabrication with artificial intelligence

Chang’s courageous journey: A female CEO in Taiwan battles to create her connected factory -
Second-generation growth: two brothers join forces to take H. K. Neun into a digitally connected future -
Belgium’s best bending business: Whatever their size, Dezwaef’s bending machines get the job done! -
New cells for a greener world: A U.S. start-up seeks to shake up the auto industry with its recycled batteries

Grandpa, metal and bytes: why a digital native built up his high-tech production with his grandfather -
Two are better than one: how a Smart Factory developed out of a Tunisian-German friendship -
Cowboy State 4.0: why EMIT Technologies is networking sheet metal processing in the prairies of Wyoming -
Just two euros: why soon we will only have to pay for machine tools per manufactured part

- Sustainability: With laser tech a more sustainable world
- Euro 7: Low-abrasion brake disks made easy
- Displays: Summer, sun, smartphone

- Space travel: a single to space, please
- Beam formation: peak joy
- Research: the laser goes diving

- Medical technology: You have a match!
- E-mobility: Three cheers for a warm EV
- Laser physics: "The easiest way to picture an attosecond? — You can’t."

- Sensor system: New senses for lasers
- E-mobility: Battery boom
- Automation: Lasers on a secret mission

- Secondary Sources: The beam era
- Microprocessing: New start for stents
- Solid-state laser: Laser seeks life

- Display production: Give me a C!
- Tool construction: Hot and ready
- 3D-printing: Aged well

- Satellite technology: For the first time, satellites are being produced on an industrial scale and launched into orbit – all thanks to 3D printing and laser technology.
- Weather research: Prof. Jean-Pierre Wolf wants to capture lightning bolts with the help of a laser. Clemens Herkommer built this laser.
- E-Mobility: How Mercedes-Benz is building successful batteries for new mobility.

- Energy: Hydrogen is the new energy source of the 21st century. How laser technology is driving the new boom.
- Quantum technology: Interview with Professor Jörg Wachtrup from the University of Stuttgart.
- Customer report: GFH invents laser turning.

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