The Company Principles of the TRUMPF Group
As such, we bear a special responsibility towards our customers, partners, employees, and society. We set the highest standards for ourselves and for our actions, internally as well as externally. This we are sure of: TRUMPF will enjoy sustained success if we fulfill our customers‘, employees‘ and owners’ expectations and wishes to the best of our abilities, and perceive our social environment as part of our
entrepreneurial activities - as we have always done without conforming to the times.
Customers, employees, ownership, society – stakeholders in our Core Principles
The Company Principles specified in the following clarify our values and goals with regard to TRUMPF's key stakeholders.
Our customers
We expect ourselves to deliver excellent performance at all times, and we hold our business partners to the same standard. In doing so, we conduct ourselves in keeping with the principles of the “Honorable Merchant.”
Our products and solutions are state-of-the-art, efficient, safe, and sustainable – giving our customers clear competitive advantages.
The decisive driver behind our actions is to convince our customers with our products and solutions. We have to be their guarantor of innovation and reliable partner in equal measure.
To enable our customers‘ success, we need to know their requirements and needs. Our aspiration is to be present and close to them in the given regions of the world.
Our Employees
At all TRUMPF Group locations, we apply the highest standards for occupational health and safety. The mindful, protective and appreciative handling of the company's intellectual and material property is a matter of course for all of us.
We live by the principles of an open feedback culture, take a clear stance, and conduct ourselves on an equal footing. Diversity is important to us in every respect, not least because it enables us to assert ourselves in the competition for customers, technologies, and talent. We categorically reject any form of discrimination.
In doing so, we attach great importance to an aesthetic working environment. Our actions are motivated by our powerful creative drive. We promote our employees’ personal and professional skills through a wide range of development and training opportunities.
Loyalty to TRUMPF and total commitment to the company's best interests are a matter of course for us. Every employee represents us internally and externally and is therefore an ambassador for our company. We also expect our managers to be role models for their employees, to lead their teams to success, and to strategically advance TRUMPF.
Our ownership
As shareholders of a family-run company, all our actions serve to maintain future competitiveness and profitability as well as our company's focus on values. Our value system as shareholders also encompasses our strong commitment to social and cultural engagement.
To this end, we strive for continuous above-average growth and a level of profitability that enables us to realize, by our own efforts, our considerable investments in research and development as well as to maintain our customer- and employee-centric focus.
We always factor loyalty to our locations and employees into entrepreneurial decisions.
Social environment
To this end, we support select projects that promote the give-and-take of social interaction at various levels. We appreciate it when our employees engage
in society.
We are deeply committed to protecting natural resources and firmly believe in shaping the world for the better
through innovation. To this end, we search for technically and organizationally efficient solutions in keeping with the best practices of our time - and have done so for 100 years.
We strive for an open and objective dialog and play an active role in shaping developments. We reject any form of political radicalism.
We comply with the laws of the countries in which we operate and respect the given cultural environment.