Do you enjoy organizing and coordinating projects – from the first customer inquiry to the machine start-up? Are you well-versed with not only business issues, but also technical issues? Then this is just the right job for you! At TRUMPF, you work together with numerous customers all around the world and take on a great amount of responsibility from the start. You very quickly build up a wealth of experience by dealing with extremely various customer requests. Furthermore, we provide you with career opportunities that suit your professional development path.
Sales engineer: Always stay on top of things

As a sales engineer at TRUMPF, you can expect an extremely varied work environment – there's no such thing as a "typical" working day. However, one thing is for sure: You are closely involved in each work step and are therefore a key figure during the development of outstanding solutions. You are a part of a motivated team made up of commercial employees and sales engineers in internal and field service. You also work closely with colleagues from the fields of marketing, communication, research, account management, IT, development, and production, as well as with external companies and partners.
As a sales engineer at TRUMPF, you support projects from the first customer request to the machine start-up. Furthermore, you develop sales strategies for our business divisions of laser technology and machine tools. You stay in close contact with customers during the entire duration of the project and oversee all project management. This also includes cost estimates, concepts for optimum machine configurations, preparing offers, and contract negotiations.
At TRUMPF, you won't simply fall into a routine, but rather will discover new things every day in an environment with top-class products and technologies. You work together with lots of exciting customers from various industries. We support you with attractive benefits and offers to help you with your work-life balance.
Take a look behind the scenes of our video shoot for our new employer campaign "Trusting in brave ideas" and get to know our colleagues personally.