The trust placed in us by our business partners, employees and the public is particularly important to us. This trust depends to a large extent on our conduct – starting with the Managing Board, through the supervisors, to each individual employee. For this reason our conduct is characterized by compliance with the law and the fulfillment of ethical standards.
How do we handle compliance?
Our Code of Conduct guides us in our everyday routine and especially in critical situations. It supports us in acting responsibly and in compliance with the law.
Our compliance management system includes all structures, processes, and measures at TRUMPF that are specifically aimed at promoting compliant conduct within the TRUMPF Group and preventing violations of the law.
It takes many people to run our compliance organization. They ensure compliance with legal requirements and are always available as a contacts.
We record all compliance-relevant data and incidents, evaluate them and respond on a case-by-case basis or derive general improvements.
Do you have a question about compliance or do you want to provide us with confidential information? Contact us using our whistleblower system - in person or anonymously*.
How TRUMPF implements compliance
A compliance management system (CMS) is in use for the entire TRUMPF Group. It includes all structures, processes, and measures that are specifically aimed at promoting compliant conduct at TRUMPF and preventing violations of the law. It is designed to raise the awareness of all TRUMPF employees to empower them to act with integrity in their day-to-day work.
Our compliance management system consists of six modules that build on each other.

Our compliance culture is both the starting point and the goal for compliance at TRUMPF. It is defined by our Managing Board and is largely shaped by the attitude and conduct of managers and employees. Our Code of Conduct is the core element of the compliance program.
With our compliance program, we control and regulate the global implementation of compliance throughout the TRUMPF Group. It essentially consists of the TRUMPF compliance guideline and subordinate guidelines such as the so-called Entertainment Guideline – a guideline for preventing corruption.
With the compliance organization, we have defined clear responsibilities and contacts. We use it to keep all employees up to date on important compliance issues and take preventive measures to ensure that employees comply with legal requirements.
Compliance communication not only actively raises awareness, but also ensures active listening, so that compliance risks are identified and avoided at an early stage. This includes, for example, the provision of e-learning courses or classroom training for managers and employees, digital newsletters and the use of a whistle blower protection system.
Compliance monitoring collects and evaluates all data relevant to compliance. It is the basis for regular reports to the TRUMPF Managing Board and Supervisory Board.
The central compliance team sets objectives for each fiscal year in consultation with the Chief Compliance Officer. At the end of a fiscal year, we compare the objectives with the results achieved and derive new objectives.
The Code of Conduct as the basis of our compliance culture

The TRUMPF Code of Conduct is derived from the corporate principles and describes values and rules that guide how we do business. The Code of Conduct establishes our position on topics such as anti-corruption, data protection and fair competition.
The overarching code of principles formulated there summarizes the basic rules that must be observed at TRUMPF with regard to ethically irreproachable conduct in business transactions.
We operate in accordance with the law.
We take on social responsibility.
We always act with integrity.
The Declaration of Principles as the basis for our stance on respect for human rights and protecting the climate and environment

The Declaration of Principles is of great importance to TRUMPF. Together with our corporate principles and our Code of Conduct, it is one of the most important standards that determine our corporate culture and our daily actions.
Overall responsibility lies with our Chief Compliance Officer, Christian Greger, who we have also appointed as Human Rights Officer.

This Code of Conduct contains the basic rules with which everyone at TRUMPF is expected to comply with regard to ethically sound conduct in day to day business.

This declaration of principles documents TRUMPF's position with regard to respect for human rights and the protection of natural resources.

These Rules of Procedure contain all information concerning the reporting of a hint via TRUMPF´s whistleblower system.
Our compliance organization
How do we respond to compliance risks or prevent them from occurring in the first place? These are two topics that the Chief Compliance Officer deals with along with the Compliance Team in Ditzingen and the worldwide Compliance network. This is how we ensure the transfer of the Compliance Management System into all business divisions and subsidiaries, communicate regularly with the local officers and help develop solutions.

The Managing Board bears overall responsibility for compliance in the TRUMPF Group.
The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for the global compliance organization. They report on current developments to the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board of the TRUMPF Group. He and the compliance team are also responsible for the first response to any compliance incidents that occur.
The Compliance Committee advises the Chief Compliance Officer, further develops the compliance management system and makes decisions in the event of significant suspected compliance issues. The committee consists of the Chief Compliance Officer and other representatives from a wide variety of departments, such as Group HR, Legal, Finance.
The compliance team supports the Chief Compliance Officer in all compliance-related issues. The central compliance team plays a key role in investigating and processing indications of suspected compliance issues.
In our subsidiaries, local compliance officers also ensure that the organization is networked worldwide. The local compliance officer is responsible for implementing the TRUMPF compliance management system in their subsidiary and serves as the first point of contact on site. The local compliance officer reports compliance violations to the central compliance team and provides support in processing the case.
Our compliance monitoring
With compliance monitoring, we collect all available data from compliance activities at TRUMPF. From this, we derive recommendations for actions or improvements to respond to individual cases or to fundamentally advance our compliance management system.
* An anonymous report can be made through out external service provider, EQS Integrity Line. The Integrity Line system technically ensures your anonymity, even during communication, thanks to a chat function. The communication platform is not run on TRUMPF servers but on a secure EQS Integrity Line server. Data hosting is in Germany. EQS Integrity Line is certified in accordance with ISO 27001, is EU-GDPR-compliant and satisfies the requirements of the EU whistle blower guideline. The tip submitted is sent in an encrypted and untraceable form to the Compliance Team in Ditzingen.