As an industry leader in laser research and development, TRUMPF supplies a wide range of laser beam sources using InnoSlab, fibre, gas and disc technology. The technological diversity facilitates the use of unique laser parameters and flexible solutions for scientific applications in (bio)medicine, electronics and fundamental research.
Fresh inspiration for science
Are you looking for new solutions for your research? Our state-of-the-art lasers offer precise and reliable performance to help researchers and scientists in various disciplines to make groundbreaking discoveries and perform complex experiments.
Ultrashort pulse disk lasers and pulse compression
CO2 lasers
Short and ultrashort pulse lasers
Fibre lasers
Contact us today – let's realise your vision together!
Discover how our state-of-the-art lasers can boost your scientific projects – contact us for a no-obligation consultation.
Diverse laser technology applications in research
The application of laser light has proven to be an extremely versatile and powerful method that can be used in numerous scientific fields, from biomedical imaging to non-linear processes, spectroscopy and beyond – the applications of laser technology are almost limitless. Draw inspiration from the applications and explore new ways laser light can support your scientific goals.
Contact us today – let's turn your vision into reality!
Discover how our state-of-the-art lasers can boost your scientific projects – contact us for a no-obligation consultation.
Who is behind TRUMPF's science lasers?
TRUMPF Scientific Lasers, ACCES, AMPHOS and AFS supply the best laser solutions for science. By collaborating with leading partners, we at TRUMPF are able to develop and manufacture bespoke laser systems for scientific applications. By harnessing innovative ideas, our management team and employees create new technical solutions for your cutting-edge technologies.
Contact us today – let's turn your vision into reality!
Discover how our state-of-the-art lasers can boost your scientific projects – contact us for a no-obligation consultation.